Australian Panels

Australian Panels

Australian Technical Committee members convene meetings of their Australian Panels across various Australian States or in New Zealand. These meetings form an important communication structure for CIGRE and its members.  Local initiatives also form the basis for future international CIGRE work.  The Australian Technical Committee meeting in Fremantle in 2009 finalised a calendar that now forms the basis of a rotational system that balances the location of the 16 annual panel meetings in each Australian State and in New Zealand.

If you are interested in participating in an Australian Panel or require further information email our office or call +61 2 8896 4356

The Panel Members Handbook provides some further information on Panel structure, their role and the benefits of being on a panel.
It can be downloaded here

The Australian Panels report on their areas of coverage to each Study Committee.  Their activities include:

The 2022 Annual Report on Australian Technical Activities can be DOWNLOADED HERE

The 2023 Annual Report on Australian Technical Activities can be DOWNLOADED HERE

2023 ATC Presentation Day Chair Overview Angela Klepac – Slide Pack
2023 ATC Presentation Day Chair Overview Angela Klepac – Video