Angela Klepac

Daniel Sommer Sydney Headshots

Chair – Australian Technical Committee (ATC)

BEng University of Technology, Sydney

Angela coordinates the work of the 16 Australian Panels. The panels
provide a direct link into global research and knowledge sharing delivered by Cigre to address power system challenges.

Angela has over 30 years’ experience in various senior management roles in Engineering, Procurement and Project Management in the electrical utility sector. She currently holds the role of (TBA) at APA Group. 

She has been an individual member of CIGRE Australia for the past 14 years. Angela has previously held the senior role as CIGRE Australian Panel Convenor for B3- Substations from 2011 to 2017.  Angela has been an active member within CIGRE and has also written a CIGRE PARIS paper titled “Managing Risk in Design and Installation of Substations” which focuses on effective management of risk in the design, installation and operation of a substation in minimize risks and achieve project goals.